segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

Treinamentos no Brasil


O mercado de desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis está muito aquecido. A demanda por novidades é muita e os games são uma grande parte desse sucesso. O Corona é um framework para criação de games usando Lua, uma linguagem de fácil aprendizado desenvolvido pela PUC-RJ e usada inclusive no World Of Warcraft.


Este curso é para programadores que desejam atuar no mundo dos games. O Corona SDK é de fácil assimilação e proporciona aos desenvolvedores agilidade e ferramentas para os mais variados propósitos.


Devido à quantidade de material que é abrangido no curso, é assumido que os alunos tenham experiência prática em desenvolvimento e conhecimentos de lógica de programação.


Aulas expositivas com acompanhamento prático, desenvolvendo pequenos aplicativos utilizando os conceitos apresentados. O ambiente é totalmente voltado para que o aluno obtenha maior proveito durante as aulas.


  • Introdução a Linguagem de Programação Lua;
  • Introdução ao Corona;
  • Algoritmos básicos (decisão, repetição, tabelas, funções);
  • Criando imagens;
  • Criando textos;
  • Criando desenhos vetorias;
  • Posicionamento;
  • Transições / interpolações de gráficos;
  • Animações;
  • Conceitos de Events e Listeners;
  • Utilizando Eventos;
  • Conceito de Timers;
  • Áudio, vídeo e câmera;
  • Acelerômetro;
  • Apresentação do pacote Physics / Box2D;
  • Construção e utilização de Bodies;
  • Introdução aos Módulos Externos;
  • Etapas de criação de jogos

Próxima Turma

quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2011

Serviços no Brasil

This post is specific for Brazil.


Se você possui uma empresa ou trabalha em alguma que precise ou quer desenvolver um aplicativo para dispositivos da Apple (iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch) e/ou dispositivos com o sistema operacional Android, oferecemos o serviço de desenvolvimento de projetos sob demanda. Os projetos são fechados e podem ser jogos, livros, apresentações ou aplicativos diversos. Desenvolvemos todo o projeto, podendo o cliente fornecer o material gráfico e sonoro ou os mesmos serem desenvolvidos por nós. Nossa principal ferramenta é o Corona SDK, mas trabalhamos com outras tecnologias (consulte).


Se a sua empresa já trabalha com o Corona SDK, oferecemos o serviço de consultoria para auxiliar no desenvolvimento dos seus projetos. Temos profissionais altamente qualificados que irão dar o suporte que a sua equipe precisa para resolver as questões mais complexas. Além da consultoria em projetos feitos com o Corona SDK, também trabalhamos com consultoria de elaboração de ideias, planejamento, metodologia e arquitetura de jogos e aplicativos. Nossa principal ferramenta é o Corona SDK, mas trabalhamos com outras tecnologias (consulte).


Sua empresa já trabalha com desenvolvimento de software, mas ainda não trabalha com desenvolvimento para dispositivos móveis e quer entrar nesse ramo promissor? Realizamos treinamentos na ferramenta Corona SDK abrangendo desde o básico sobre o mercado e lógica de programação até o desenvolvimento de jogos conceituados como Angry Birds. Os treinamentos podem variar de acordo com os assuntos a serem abordados e a quantidade de alunos. Nossa principal ferramenta é o Corona SDK, mas trabalhamos com outras tecnologias (consulte).

Área de Atuação

Estamos situados em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, mas trabalhamos em toda extensão do território brasileiro, seja pessoal ou remotamente. Também trabalhamos com outros países de maneira remota ou pessoal para América do Sul, demais localidades favor consultar.


sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011

Director 1.4 - Books!

Hello people!

I'm really proud to announce that I am now releasing Director 1.4 with a highly asked feature: Books.

What is that? Well, you can download it on the link below and see by yourself! Also, I made a lot of changes to fix some issues and improved the error messages. You can now disable it by changing the "debug" variable to false. It's that easy!

This is a little list of some cool stuff, I wished to release it before Hackathon because I think is not fair to have it exclusively, please take a look:

- clean() function is back
- new start() function on books
- initVars() is called after scene is loaded
- improved error handling
- bug fixes on pop up
- group recreation (internal)
- missed objects are now inserted on localGroups
- protection handle now "tap" listeners
- lot more!

Thanks everybody, I really wish success for you all and I will try to improve even more the class that you love or hate.

Director 1.4 Download:

sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011

Director Class 1.3

Hello folks,

Today I'm releasing the new Director Class 1.3. As you could see on the preview video, there are some cool stuff on this version that I will explain on this post, but first the link to download it:

Almost completely rewrite

I did so many changes that the code it's way different of the other versions. You will find that it's clean and easier to understand.

More consistent

The older versions were made based on timers, I changed that to execute transitions/fxEnded on the onComplete parameter of the function as the example below:


showFx = ( currView, { x=display.contentWidth*-1, time=fxTime } )
timer.performWithDelay( fxTime, fxEnded )


showFx = ( currView, { x=-_W, time=fxTime, onComplete=fxEnded } )

Function cleanGroups() removed

There is no need to keep this function because Ansca changed the removeSelf() method to be recursive, so now the scene groups are cleaned only with the removeSelf().

Call to clean() function removed

On Director 1.2 I put a call to a clean() function if it exists on the scene that was going to be removed. That was a good thing but why did I removed it from Director? Just because a lot of people didn't understand how to use it properly. I received A LOT of e-mails asking about this and almost 90% were about wrong name and commands (i.e: function Clean() ... ). You can still create a clean() function but its up to you to call it before change scenes.

Scenes = Objects

Director works with display groups but I did a mistake on version 1.2 writting a bunch of code outside the new() function. On this version, I'm trying to go back on this step and put everything back inside the new() function. Why? It will be needed to reload the same scene. Display objects are Lua tables with some more data, when you create a new table you are creating a new instance that we could understand as an object. You can add attributes and methods to a display group and treat it like a real object oriented programming, like this:

local obj = display.newGroup()
obj.rect = display.newRect( 0, 0, 200, 200 )
obj:insert( obj.rect )
obj.changeColor = function ( r, g, b )
  obj.rect:setFillColor( r, g, b )

Reload Scene

After some research and assumption that every scene is an object, it was fine to reload the same scene. Now you can use changeScene() to load the same scene you are using but be sure that it's an object or some weird errors will occur.


I created an invisible protection (square) to prevent unwanted touches on scenes during the transition. It becomes active when you call changeScene() and turns off after fxEnded(). If you really need to disable this, just cut off the event listener on line 218.

protection:addEventListener( "touch", fncProtection )

Security and error handling

This is a great add-on, now every new scene will be called using PCALL function to execute it on a secure mode and Director will be able to tell you if some error happens. This is another think that programmers sent me a lot of e-mails. Good developers take a deep look on their code before anything when an error occur, other guys simply goes crazy telling everyone that the error is on Director, never on their code. The thing is that 99% of these errors are mistakes of the developers and take sometime to they see it. Now if a scene has errors, Director will show an error message on the simulator and device.

Pop Up

You want to call a pause scene during a game without clean the scene? You can use now the new pop up feature. The openPopUp() function loads a scene on the top layer, turns on the protection, doesn't clean the current scene and can be closed with the closePopUp() function. The only restriction is that you can only load 1 pop up, if you want other pop ups, you need to close it first.


Now you can send parameters between scenes! It's very simple, you only need to put it in a table, check this out:

local params = { label="Sending Parameters", reload=true }
director:changeScene( params, "screen2", "fade", "white" )

Parameters are optional, you can keep changing scenes without parameters:

director:changeScene( "screen2", "fade", "white" )


This is not on Director itself but about the sample of the version 1.2. I did it using folders for images but this is not good. Ansca recommends that we put all our files on the same folder. I don't like this but I had some problems with it on Android builds so I changed the sample and put all together.

Help us with a donation

I never put a price on Director and I don't want to do this but everybody needs money, if you want to help me keeping it free, you can donate any value on the donate button here. Thanks a lot for all that already donated!

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011

Corona Classes in Brazil

Hey folks,

I just want to put some photos here about the classes that I did last month. I was teaching Corona on an University and on a mobile training center. It was simply amazing! Thanks all my students, it's great to be your teacher. Also, I talked about Corona on a technology conference at Eldorado Research Institute.

Classes at Ulbra ( )

Classes at Nyvra / ( )

Technology Conference at Eldorado Research Institute ( )

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

Pinosoccer HD

Now that's what I'm talking about, our real first GAME! We made it in several months working hard with graphics, audio, video and other stuff. It's a great game for playing with your friends, you just have to use your finger to shoot the ball.

We used Director 1.2 to build it. Later I'll write about the challanges we had doing this game.

Link to the iTunes App Store:

Hover Button
Promo video:

And some images:

Mobile Development Showcase